TDA Associates


Consulting & Training Areas

🌐 Organizations We Have Worked With 🤝

Our Founder and Chief Philosophical Officer, Henry Andersen, is a Harvard, Columbia and INSEAD alumnus who has personally trained over 11,000 Global Fortune 500 executives and world-renowned research university students on four continents.

Logos are the registered trademarks / copyrights of the respective organizations


Top Management 1

CEO, multinational food manufacturer

“Henry trained my marketing department in innovative thinking techniques that helped us become the number one brand in the category I was in charge of at that time. Now the processes and techniques he shared have become the standard operating procedure in the whole company."

Top Management 2

Division President, global consumer goods company

“We were lucky to have Mr. Andersen expertly facilitate our teams in three of our key markets: the US, Japan and Brazil, where he is fluent in all three languages. This work resulted in key new strategic initiatives which helped our business grow significantly worldwide.”

Top Management 3

Chief Engineer, multinational industrial products company

“It was amazing the way that Mr. Andersen was able to connect the arts and humanities to our engineering challenges using TDA. We come up with a number of breakthrough solutions using his approach.”

Human Resources 1

Global HR Director, global trading company

“We have been using Professor Andersen’s Global Wisdom Leadership program now for almost ten years for our global managers training program and expect to use it for another ten years. His cross-cultural insights are profound using TCI, and evaluations by program participants have always been very extremely high.”

Human Resources 2

Global HR Director, global chemical manufacturer

“Professor Andersen has an engaging way of working with our global managers from around the world to help them learn creative problem-solving and multicultural teamwork skills. Participants remember what he taught years later and always recommend him to their colleagues.”

Human Resources 3

VP Human Resources, global pharmaceutical company

"We were delighted that Henry was able to effectively transform his popular 4-day Global Wisdom Leadership training from face-to-face to fully online during this pandemic. Participants were able to learn better and we had a huge cost savings by not sending participants to HQ."

Universities 1

Dean, MBA program in Japan

“Wise leadership is recognized as a critical capability for managers in Japan, where top leaders are able to practice it intuitively. Professor Andersen has developed an explicit methodology to help instill this capability in students from around the world.”

Universities 2

Professor Emeritus, university in the UK

"Henry Andersen’s work using TDA with outside idea groups while at Mitsubishi in both the US and Europe pioneered open innovation and turbocharged the organization's creativity.”

Universities 3

Head of Executive Development Programs, university in Japan

“Professor Andersen doesn’t act like a professor at his EDP sessions, he is more like a motivational speaker sharing many global examples and stories from his own experience. Then he brings in solid research to support what he says.”

🦉🏆 About Us 🌐💡

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TDA Associates difference?
  • All content is developed and delivered personally by the company founder, a former top university professor of management as well as global marketing executive, with over 25 years of experience delivering such courses to Global Fortune 500 companies.
  • All courses feature unique content and approaches which are not offered elsewhere.
  • Other companies may offer training in either thinking skills/problem-solving skills, or cross-cultural skills, but not both. TDA is unique in that it focuses on developing thinking, problem-solving and leadership skills with multicultural teams.
  • Training content and learning activities are fully customizable to customer needs.
  • Courses can be delivered in English, Japanese and Portuguese.
  • The instructor typically delivers courses to an international audience, so his English is easy to follow for non-native speakers.
How long are your courses?
  • In general, course length depends on client requirements for content breadth and depth.
  • In the face-to-face format, individual courses typically take 2-3 full days, while the master course (Global Wisdom Leadership) typically takes 3-5 full days.
  • Additional time may be needed for post-training group project work (for example, creative new business development projects) as requested by the client.
  • Live online courses typically are half-day (3-4 hours) modules spaced over twice the number of days as the face-to-face course, often over the course of several weeks.
How much group work is included in courses?
  • Typically, the ratio of lecturette time vs group work time (usually using the tools shared by the instructor) is 1:4, allowing ample time for group work (often using live problems the participants themselves bring in) as well as feedback from both the instructor and other participants.
  • When on-demand videos are used in place of the live lecturettes, most of the time during the live course itself is devoted to practice and group work.
  • If post-training group work on projects are part of the training, this further extends the practice time.
Do you have on-demand videos?
  • Currently we have both English and Japanese versions of the Creative Problem-Solving course in online video format. We are developing an upgraded version of this same course, as well as online versions of all the other courses.
  • These videos are often incorporated into live online courses to optimize the amount of time spent in live online sessions.
  • Videos have accurate closed-caption subtitles burnt into them for easier understanding by non-native English speakers.
  • Please inquire if your organization may be interested in on-demand access to just the videos for your employees.
    What course materials are included?
    • For all courses, the PowerPoint materials are shared along with templates for the tools used in the courses for later use by participants.
    • The Miro online whiteboards used during the live online sessions are saved and accessible by all participants after the course for their reference.
    • For courses using online videos as part of the course, the full transcript will also be made available to all participants.
    How many participants can join a course?
    • Typically, we limit the number of participants in a course to 30 participants. Depending on the course, it may be possible to increase the number of participants, with the understanding that the quality of training may have to be sacrificed.
    • Back-to-back training of multiple groups is possible for a significantly larger number of participants.
    What is the pricing for your training?
    • We base our pricing on billable consultant-days, which typically includes customized content creation time, course delivery time, and any post-training team facilitation, coaching or presentation training when needed.
    • Please inquire for further details.
    How is💡Creative Problem-Solving different from design thinking?
    • Creative problem-solving (CPS) is a more general kind of problem-solving process which has been around since the 1960s, and our Three Diamond Process encompasses all steps and is easy to use. CPS can be used to develop innovative solutions to any kind of organizational problem or challenge.
    • Design thinking (DT), on the other hand, is typically focused on finding customer-centered solutions for new products, services, businesses, etc.
    • Adding our Customer Insight course to the front end of our CPS course will make the combined offering comparable to DT.
    What is the 🌎🤝 Multicultural Teamwork difference?
    • We offer a unique Cultural Triple Zoom approach which combines what we call a Global Zoom using cultural dimensions (developed by people like Geert Hofstede, Robert Hall, the GLOBE Project, etc.) with a Country Zoom level of core values (as developed, for example, in the Cultural Detective series).
    • In addition, we add a third level we call the Micro Zoom to decode surprising individual cultural phenomena using our own transcultural insights (TCI) methodology.
    What is your 🧠 Wise Thinking Skills course about?
    • The idea for this course originally came from Japan, where practical wisdom tends to be expected of and valued by leaders. There, social intelligence emphasizes a spirit of cooperation not only within the organization and with direct stakeholders, but also harmony with society and the environment.
    • Our Wise Thinking Skills course combines this practical wisdom with other more “Western” thinking tools into what we call the “Balanced Tripod of Wise Thinking.” This approach offers an array of tools for creative, critical and normative thinking.
    • We have also developed a unique framework for developing a more Western kind of wisdom, intellectual wisdom, through TDA (transdisciplinary analogy). This process helps internalize a personal system of what we call “metaconcepts,” or core-shared concepts, across all disciplines. This then forms the foundation for personal wisdom.
    • Our Global Wisdom Leadership course also includes the Balanced Tripod of Wise Thinking skills.
    What is your 🌐🦉🏆 Global Wisdom Leadership course about?


    • Our course focuses on what we call the “3V’s of Global Wisdom Leadership”: Multidisciplinary Viewpoints, Multicultural Values and Leading with Vision.
    • Since this is our Master Class, we include the essence of our other courses in Wise Thinking Skills, Creative Problem-Solving and Multicultural Teamwork.

    Contact Us

    For further information on how to improve your global wisdom leadership skills…

    TDA Associates

    Lake Forest, California, USA

    Henry Andersen

    ​Founder and CPO



      Filipe Andersen
    ​CMO, COO and Executive Producer



    📞 +1-949-353-9947

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